Monday, July 28, 2008

A day or Just Another Day

My alarm buzzing in the morning and me wondering again who the hell set it in place! :-D

Another day...and the same thought creeping in my mind...would it be the same as have so many passed by, or does it have something new for me as I expect everyday in morning. :)

As I look back in my life, there have been so many times when I have thought that I could have dealt a situation better, had I faced that situation now - after 'x' more years when I have 'y' levels of maturity added in me! Though I am still trying to balance this equation of x and y in my life.
But then I also feel that the added experience which makes me confident and more thoughtful today is all because of these added years and the wrong judgments I made in my life all this while.

Sometimes I wish I could rewind the the clock back to an earlier time, and take my words back..But again second half of my mind which is more practical (though he likes to be silent most of the times - specially at the most needed times) asks me....Does is really affect you or the one whom you said so, today? And I find myself smiling at me for thinking so much some times!

I feel life is about making mistakes...though preferably small ones. I definitely love the change in me that has all come from all these years, isn't this the outcome of mistakes I made earlier? Would have I been a better person had I not made them at all? Would I have met all those new persons without losing the old ones? and I get disturbed in my thoughts again with my snoozed alarm which is now back to wake me up once more! and I wake up to a new day, all set for making some new mistakes which I might regret after some years....

And I conclude....A just another day could be 'A day' for me, but it might take some years for me to see this change...

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